Understanding the Data
In order to implement policies and practices that improve outcomes for all students, it is crucial to understand student outcome data, identify discrepancies in achievement, and create targeted solutions that better serve unique student populations and help them catch up with their peers. This “At a Glance” Dashboard and STAAR Comparison Tool developed by The Commit Partnership ar valuable tools for gaining insight into each independent school district in North Texas and throughout the state.
(Please view this dashboard on a desktop computer for the best experience.)
At a Glance Dashboard (courtesy of The Commit Partnership):
STAAR Comparison Tool (courtesy of The Commit Partnership)
Understanding District Issues
Pivotal decisions impacting student experience and student outcomes are made each month at your local school board meeting. One of the quickest and most impactful ways to begin making a difference in your school district is by attending and/or following school board meetings, informing your neighbors of key issues, and by making public comments at meetings when critical issues are at stake.
Below is an archive of board meeting summaries for select districts in Dallas and Tarrant Counties to help keep you informed of local issues and decisions being made by trustees.
Dallas County
(Summaries include updates for Dallas ISD, DeSoto ISD, and Richardson ISD)
January 2024 Meeting Summaries
(Summaries include updates for Dallas ISD, DeSoto ISD, and Richardson ISD)
January 2023 Meeting Summaries
February 2023 Meeting Summaries
July/August 2023 Meeting Summaries
September 2023 Meeting Summaries
October 2023 Meeting Summaries
(Summaries include updates for Dallas ISD, DeSoto ISD, and Richardson ISD)
September 2022 Meeting Summaries
October 2022 Meeting Summaries
Tarrant County
(Summaries include updates for Dallas ISD, DeSoto ISD, and Richardson ISD)
January 2024 Meeting Summaries
February 2024 Meeting Summaries
June 2024 Meeting Summaries (coming soon)
(Summaries include updates for Arlington ISD, Crowley ISD, Fort Worth ISD, and Mansfield ISD)
January 2023 Meeting Summaries
February 2023 Meeting Summaries
July/August 2023 Meeting Summaries
September 2023 Meeting Summaries
October 2023 Meeting Summaries
(Summaries include updates for Arlington ISD, Crowley ISD, and Fort Worth ISD)
Please note: If you do not see your district listed and would like to serve your community by taking notes at your local school board meetings so that we can share them here, please contact info@leadershipisd.org.
Understanding the Role of a School Board Trustee
The roles and responsibilities of a school board trustee are both critical to the success of every student in the district and also more limited than many people think. Well-intentioned school board members can actually get in the way of learning and student success when they overreach their position and get involved in issues that should be left to district administrators and campus leadership. Furthermore, when school board members fail to complete their designated responsibilities with fidelity, the results are often detrimental to the entire district.
School Board Trustees are responsible for:
Ensuring the creation of a vision and goals for the district and evaluating district success.
Adopting policies that guide district actions.
Hiring a superintendent to serve as administrator of the district and evaluating the superintendent's success.
Approving an annual budget consistent with the district's vision.
One of the most important actions community members can take to ensure students’ success is to engage with their local school board by voting in each election, communicating with sitting trustees, and holding the school board accountable, both to their given responsibilities as well as to decision making that is racially equitable and student-centered.
The following resources are helpful in understanding the criteria for effective school board leadership and for evaluating individual candidates running for trustee positions:
Voting Information
Turnout for school board elections is often less than 10% of registered voters and many recent elections have been decided by fewer than 50 votes. This low level of engagement means that most people’s voices are not heard and that small, vocal groups who may not represent the community as a whole have tremendous sway in the outcomes, not only of individual races but in the trajectory of our schools. Therefore, it is vital to vote in every election!
Dallas County Election Information and Voter Registration
Tarrant County Election Information and Voter Registration
To inform the public and provide community members the opportunity to get to know individuals running for school board, Leadership ISD and its partners host candidate forums prior to elections in many districts throughout Dallas and Tarrant Counties. Join our mailing list and/or follow up on social media to know when candidate forums and other community convenings are coming up. Additionally, we have provided a sample Trustee Candidate Questionnaire and information about the roles and responsibilities of trustees in the previous section to help you make an informed vote.
Voting Checklist
Make a Plan: Select the date, time, and location that works best for your schedule!
Know Your Ballot: Research candidates and learn about their positions on public education by viewing their websites, reviewing candidate questionnaires, reading articles, and attending candidate forums.
Bring a Friend: Take a family member or friend to the polls with you so they can vote, too!